
Buffalo is a bull that brings good luck

One of the most popular men's jewelry is ring. Representatives of the strong half of humanity, as a rule, prefers themed accessories, decorated with images of various animals. And the more powerful the more aggressive the animal depicted on the piece of jewelry, the more confident and a man feels more presentable. One of these animals that depict on accessories, is a bull.

Bull: symbol of courage, wealth and good luck

In many cultures countries bull is sacred animals. For example, in Buddhism, a strong and charismatic personality is associated with bull, in Iran - with the soul of the world, in the Celtic culture - with power and authority. In ancient Rome, the blood of a bull symbolized the flow of Life, was considered pure and sacred, and in ancient Egypt and India, the bull was considered a totem, which is idolized and who is worshipped. In Greek mythology, Zeus was depicted as bull. Many peoples of antiquity considered it a symbol of the sun, the sounds it makes - rain, the clatter of hooves - an earthquake. The bull still represents the best qualities characteristic of modern men: courage and courage, principle and decisiveness. The belligerent bull embodies courage - he fights with the enemy until the end of the fight. And if he does not win, he will die in battle! It concerns not only battles on the battlefield. Image Bull in America symbolizes the growth of the stock market, which is favorable affects the financial condition of the player. If you feel the strength to fight and win, then The ring with bulls is your accessory option.

Where to buy the ring with a picture of a bull?

Jewellers Studio Elitegold handmade gold jewelry offer buy male Buffalo ring , which is addressed to those supermen who never thinking, they will defend their interests - no matter what they concern. Luxurious The accessory is made of gold with embossed and enameled surface and is a rim 10 mm wide, the central part which is covered with black jewelry enamel. All over its surface alternating relief images of running bulls are located. With help laser welding, embossed "bulls" are soldered to the enamel of the ring. Elements decorations are made using 3 D-modeling.

If you were born in the year of the Ox or your zodiac sign is Taurus, then the ring with running bulls is not only harmoniously complete your image, but also become a reliable amulet. Jewelry with bulls by bullfighting lovers, as well as those who like fancy themed decorations. It is believed that such an accessory gives its owner a remarkable strength, ability to overcome obstacles, no matter what to go to your goal. The bull is also a symbol fertility, good luck in all matters and wealth! Men's ring with bulls will emphasize your style, add confidence and charisma. Courageous men really like the representatives of the beautiful gender. And if on your finger it also flaunts original ring, you can be sure - you will conquer the woman you like at first sight. And to tame the shrew will not help only your decisive action, but also impeccable taste.