office decorations

"Business is time...": decorations for the office

If you have an interview with a future employer or in an institution where you work, there is a strict dress code, it's time to choose and buy office decorations. Such accessories will characterize you as a conscientious and responsible, and most importantly, observing all the rules established at the enterprise. What is office accessories and how do they differ, for example, from the ceremonial and weekend decorations? About it today our article.

Work & Decoration: Dots contact

For many modern women, work has become an integral part of life, which the fair sex devotes most of their time. One of the options for labor activity is a variety of office work. Sometimes office management requires employees to adhere to a strict dress code, stipulating in its rules that of all jewelry during working hours can only be worn wedding ring. Fortunately, there are few such companies office style implies multiple pieces of jewelry.

"Better is less, yes is better": Office jewelry style

Main the principle of choosing decorations for the office is the rule of "three things", which assumes that you will wear only three pieces of jewelry to work. It may be a variety of sets, for example, an elegant ring, stud earrings and bracelet. Variations can be completely different: to your taste. In jewelry small inserts are allowed. In office style adhere to the axiom: "Better - less, yes - better." It concerns the quantity accessories and inserts in them, as well as their sizes. What else should you pay attention to attention, so it is on the color range of stones. She shouldn't be out of context of your image, but logically complement and continue it. the best the choice is a white insert, which is appropriate in any environment. Massive jewelry with large bright stones is strictly unacceptable, which are definitely suitable for an evening out, but not for the office!

Decorations Elitegold : what to wear to work?

Jewellers handmade gold jewelry studios Elitegold offer bracelet clip , which is the best fit even with the most strict office dress code! The model is presented in gold with a glossy surface and is made in in the form of an elegant chain with anchor interlacing links. Accessory feature is that its center is decorated with two "paper clips" threaded into each other friend. This decoration looks very stylish and original! Costs buy a paper clip bracelet and bring some creativity to the office style! Thin ringlet and earrings with pearls complement and logically complete the image!

Wherever you are, always remember your appearance, in which decorations play an important role. Even one thin bracelet is capable of refresh the image, giving it a touch of extravagance and charm.