circle decoration

Great! – decorations in the form of a circle

One of the oldest geometric shapes is a circle. The wheel that appeared at the dawn of mankind in greatly facilitated the life of primitive people, and ornaments in the form of a circle made her brighter and happier. Rings, earrings, pendants and bracelets based on a circle are still popular today. We look closely, choose and buy jewelry in the form of a circle - this elegant, stylish and sophisticated.

Circle diameter: Why are round ornaments so popular?

Jewelry geometric shapes look very attractive and complementary. In the lead sales - decorations in the form of a circle. it due to several reasons.

1. Circle - ancient an archetype form symbolizing the sun, the unity of Yin-Yang and the inseparability of being. However, the circle is not only the most ancient geometric shape, it is also the most clear, as it has no corners, very simple and concise.

2. Jewelry in the form circles can be combined with any other jewelry - such symbiosis is always appropriate and organic. For example, wearing small rings-earrings, you can safely go to a business meeting, and if round earrings additionally decorated with a pendant, then this is already an option for a romantic dating or going out.

3. Round jewelry almost everyone likes products - they are very practical and convenient. Not having sharp corners, they cannot be hurt, caught on hair or clothes.

4. We all aspire to harmony and perfection, and what could be more ideal than a circle? Only the owner of the most stylish jewelry!

Journey through vicious circle: an overview of jewelry

On the jewelry market in products in the form of a circle are presented in abundance. These are earrings, rings, bracelets, pendants, brooches. They are united by one thing - they are based on a circle.

Women's favorite earrings are decoration. Their design pleasing to the eye and striking in its diversity. Models are presented in the form of a circle, The most common are hoop earrings of various diameters. Earrings in the form circles can be additionally decorated with inserts, pendants and other decor, which makes them very feminine and romantic.

Everyone loves rings: women, men and even children. Gold rings in the form of a round signet look original - stylish jewelry accessory for all occasions.

Circle pendant - Perfectly complement any outfit, logically complete the image. Such products combined with other jewelry without being out of context - they always appropriate. For representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, they can be additionally decorated with inserts or other decor.

To harmonize looka, many people choose gold bracelets. The most preferred option is a bracelet, the main link of which is circle.

To the fashion industry brooches broke in. Virtually no collection of leading fashion designers is complete without this once-forgotten decoration. Today brooches in the shape of a circle are excellent complement romantic dresses, blouses and even demi-season coats.

These and other golden handmade jewelry in the form of a circle can be bought at a jewelry studio Elitegold, Quality, modern We guarantee the design and delight of others!

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