cupid's arrow

"Why aren't we together?": Cupid's Arrow ring

One of the most important and exciting emotional manifestations is feeling of love. It can be mutual and beautiful, or it can be unrequited and sad. In any case, the emotions that a loving person experiences are always very vivid. and saturated. In ancient Roman mythology, a lot of stories are devoted to love. And one of the heroes of ancient myths is Cupid - a fair-haired boy, embodying this high feeling. His main weapons are arrows, piercing to the very heart and not leaving a single chance to those who met on the path of the young god.

Young God love: how to wake up love?

Art often uses the image of the god of love - Cupid, and especially his arrow, which makes everyone it hits fall in love. Once in the heart of his victim, Cupid rejoices and goes in search of next lonely heart. Shooting, the young bully god brings beauty to people feelings and love experiences that have not bypassed any living on Earth.

Cupid's Arrow: jewelry composition, hitting right on target

Jewellers of handmade gold jewelry studio Elitegold taken adopted the ancient Greek myth of the young Cupid and created a ring capable of pierce the heart of an impregnable beauty, as soon as she puts it on her finger.

The jewelry composition is based on the idea of a small copy of an arrow Cupid and the embodiment of the idea in the form of an elegant women's ring. thin the “arrow” bent into a ring covers the female finger twice. Like the real one arrows, the Cupid's Arrow ring has a tip studded with round inserts in faden fasteners and "plumage", also decorated with elegant pebbles.

Not only does this accessory look great, it also has a deep meaning. With such a symbolic gift, you can tell your beloved woman about your feelings, making it clear that you are counting on reciprocity on her part.

Where to buy cupid's arrow ring

Each The fair sex likes attention and love! So give her these the senses! Buy women's gold handmade ring "Cupid's Arrow" – it means to pierce the heart of your beloved with love and win it forever. The decoration is made of gold with a glossy surface using 3 D-modeling. The color of the precious metal and inserts can be chosen according to your wishes. By purchasing the Cupid's Arrow ring from Elitegold you will never again ask the question: “Why are we not together?”, because decoration will help you to be together once and for all!