amethyst gemstone

Amethyst - purple stone of calm and power

Amethyst is one of the most expensive varieties of quartz. It has been known since ancient times and, according to biblical legends, flaunted in the pectoral of the high priest Aaron, among other precious stones. There are several versions of the origin of the name of this mineral. In ancient Greece, the name "amethyst" meant "non-drunk" and "warning against wild life." According to its meaning, the stone was used in order not to get drunk at feasts. The stone was lowered into a goblet of wine or drunk from vessels made of amethyst. According to another version, the name of the amethyst was given by the beautiful nymph Ametis, who turned to stone and did not fall into the hands of Bacchus (Dionysus), who pursued him, the god of winemaking, who led a wild life.

Amethyst is a quartz that changes color depending on the light

Amethyst is a violet-colored silicon dioxide with iron impurities in many shades from light lilac to blue-red. In autumn, in the crystals of amethyst prism and rhombohedron, inclusions with gases and liquids are often found, hematite plates or goethite needles are less common. A distinctive feature of this transparent purple stone is its ability to change its color depending on the lighting. Studies of modern mineralogy have proven that the amazing beauty of the purple color is the effect of organic inclusions, and not iron impurities. Bright shiny purple stone has always been held in high esteem by jewelers. They decorated the crowns of many monarchs and sultans. Since amethysts have been known since ancient times, these stones have many legends and beliefs. It is believed that amethysts help people suffering from insomnia very well, and if you put a stone or jewelry with it under the pillow, you can quickly fall asleep. However, you should not hide such beauty from human eyes - jewelry with amethysts must be worn and please yourself and those around you with style and sophistication.

Purification and restoration: the magical and healing properties of amethyst

Amethyst is a stone of tranquility and peace, relaxation and harmonious relationships. If you occupy a certain status in society, then amethyst will help you move away from stereotyped thinking and avoid rash acts. Violet color is able to purify not only the aura of a person, but also the space surrounding him.

Doctors who treat diseases using various stones claim that amethyst is a very good regulator of metabolism in the body. With the help of this mineral, lithotherapists cure many diseases of the nervous system, such as insomnia, depression, and neurosis. Amethysts will also help relieve a migraine attack.

Amethyst as a gift - Your feelings are strong and unchanging

Amethyst jewelry looks just great - it goes with almost any outfit: from a business casual suit to a chic evening dress. A ring, earrings or necklace with amethysts will be a stylish gift for your girlfriend, wife, mother or sister. If an amethyst changes its color depending on the lighting, then the feelings that you put into your gift always remain unchanged - this is love, fidelity and the desire to give a piece of your soul.