If you were born in the year of the Dragon: male talisman ring

When we are talking about dragons, we imagine mythical creatures - giant snakes with bodies covered with scales, with four legs and belching from their mouths flame. The image of dragons is different in Western and Eastern cultures. So, dragons from Western European mythology in the Middle Ages they were represented with wings and horns, and dragons from Eastern legends were endowed with some intelligence. To date, the dragon considered the fifth sign in the 12-year cycle of the Chinese zodiac and is associated with the year he patronizes. Therefore, many jewelers use image of a dragon in their products. If you were born in the year of the Dragon, then this mythical creature will automatically becomes your talisman.

If you are a Dragon: impulsive, brightness, nobility

Male, born in the year of the Dragon, has increased impulsiveness and the ability to make quick decisions. As a rule, they are the only true! Your "dragon" may have an increased craving for gambling and entertainment, at the same time, he makes high demands, both on himself and to the people around him. The dragon always strives to stand out and be in the center attention. This may contribute unusual accessories that he chooses or an eccentric demeanor. A person born in the year of the Dragon has a pronounced acting talent and individuality. Generosity, nobility, generosity - traits inherent in dragon man. If you find a common language with him, he will become your grateful listener and admirer for many years. But if something goes wrong the fire-breathing dragon will scorch you with its flames. As a rule, male dragons achieve a lot in life: their career and, accordingly, their financial condition are growing steadily. If suddenly there is a collapse, then they very quickly "reborn from the ashes" - having lost everything, they do the almost impossible and very quickly multiply their lost material and moral assets.

Where can I buy a male dragon ring?

For in order to protect yourself from all life's adversities cost buy a Dragon decoration. This accessory will be yours a reliable amulet and will prevent many worldly cataclysms. Studio Jewelers Elitegold handmade gold jewelry offer male El dragon ring , which we will look at in detail.

The main feature of the decoration is the dragon. Its relief, very naturalistic image is both in the center of the product and along the wide rim. In the center is a circle with frightening open mouth, fangs and eye - a white insert, next to on it is a scaly paw of a dragon with three fingers (also decorated with pebbles). Almost around the entire perimeter of the circle there are 16 white inserts. Highly unusually, in the spirit of the symbol of the year, the rim looks, which on both sides frames geometric ornament. On the entire plane of the rim - reliefs of two dragons that terrify those around you. In fact, our "dragon" is completely fearless, on the contrary, it brings good luck to its owner! Stylish and original the accessory also emphasizes your taste, logically completes the extravagant image!