Yin Yang

Harmony-family-happiness: Yin-Yang wedding rings

Everything in our world interrelated and no event occurs by chance. Day turns night, winter - summer, moon - sun. This happens all the time, giving rise to new forms and types. energy, and phenomena acquire new meanings and shades. We have seen many times in various sources two volumetric commas in black and white are the Chinese characters Yin and Yang, symbolizing two opposite principles - male and female, which impossible without each other. It is this philosophical concept that the jewelers of the studio Elitegold handmade gold jewelry was used as the basis for the design engagement yin yang rings.

Yin-Yang Philosophy: Unity and Struggle of Opposites

Ancient Chinese philosophers were interested in the question: what is the origin of everything, where does the energy that causes movement? Thinking about this, they came to conclusion that there is some ideal tool - two diametrically opposed positions that cannot exist one without the other are complementary and mutually exclusive. These positions may exist only in interaction with each other: then out of the general chaos is built harmonious system of being. Often Yin and Yang are identified with male and female. beginning, the ability to build relationships and overcome imbalances that hinders progress.

Yang is masculine and the light side. Yan represents the sky and movement. Yin is feminine and the dark side, as well as Earth and tranquility. deep meaning philosophy Yin Yang lies in the fact that the understanding comes that, no matter how the world is unfair and irrational, it is multi-layered and beautiful. And in the endless world, two halves are constantly looking for each other, which separately cannot achieve happiness and only united, they find harmony.

Yin-Yang Wedding Bands: Blessings of the Gods and patronage of Heaven

Elitegold Jewelers offer to all couples in love who share the Chinese philosophy, buy Yin-Yang wedding rings. Accessories looks very original and stylish. They are made of precious metal with a matte finish. Home a feature of the rings is the presence of droplets-commas. In a woman's ring the comma is covered with black enamel and decorated with a white insert of a round shape in rim setting, in men's - white enamel and black stone. female width and the male ring is the same and is 6.4 mm.

Elitegold wishes every person to find their soul mate and find long-awaited harmony and happiness. Wedding rings Yin Yang are themed jewelry decorations that complement any image, create a mood, and, most importantly, are a talisman of your family - unity souls and hearts of two loving people!

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