amulets jewelry

How no matter if we belong to religion, we always want to believe in what exists guardian angel who will protect in difficult times, save from misfortunes and diseases. Wings as a symbol, are used very often, mainly in tattoos, clothing and jewelry products. What does it mean and is it worth buy wing decoration ? This is our article today.

"Wings" in human history

Considering rock art, you can find images of incomprehensible creatures endowed with wings. Ancient people could not draw a bird due to an elementary lack of artistic skill. Therefore, archaeologists suggest that Neanderthals portrayed the spirits guarding the tribes. At the dawn of civilization, in ancient Egypt drawings of winged characters (clothes, household items, people, animals) were almost always present. Costs notice that only birds have wings, which means that our distant ancestors, depicting winged characters, they associated them with higher beings capable of bringing good luck and protection. Many centuries have passed however, the wings still attract and beckon our contemporaries.

Wing symbolism: protection, inspiration, and freedom

Wings symbolize, first of all, protection - they are like would cover their owner, removing all adversity from him. Precisely the wings are the prototype of angels protecting from illness and misfortune. Also wings personify freedom and inspiration, and a pair of wings - love, fidelity, reliability. Wings also contribute to the achievement of goals, fulfillment of desires and solving complex problems.

Elitegold Wing Ornaments: Unlimited Flight fantasies

Elitegold Jewelers offer buy amulets at wings or accessories, depicting angels . Consider some of the presented models.

Luxurious and looks presentable unisex ring Angel wing. Jewelry made of gold with a glossy surface, represents an open wing, the feathers of which are dotted with graceful round inserts. This accessory sparkles and shimmers with all colors. rainbows, giving their owner or mistress self-confidence and peace of mind - after all, reliable protection is always on the finger.

Very original look wedding rings, decorated with angels . On headbands paired Little Angels engagement ring there are relief images of angels that will always protect your family and love.

Practically none one image is complete without the use of pendants, a variety of designs which allows you to choose a decoration to your liking and affordable. special are popular Angel Wing pendant, bringing good luck and charm pendant in the shape of little angel .

Buy jewelry in the form of wings or angels is not only to provide yourself with reliable protection from negativity and troubles, but to create a unique modern look that emphasizes your taste!