earrings with stones according to the sign of the zodiac

Recommendations of astrologers: choosing the right earrings with stones

If, when choosing earrings, you are guided only by the principle “like it or not”, then you should take into account that properly selected stones inlaid in a piece of jewelry cause not only aesthetic pleasure, but also improve well-being or even may affect the events that occur in your life. Therefore, when choosing earrings with this or that stone, it is necessary to be guided by the recommendations of astrologers, since it is known that certain stones correspond to the phases of the solar and lunar cycles.

Choose earrings with a stone depending on the day of the week

Gold earrings with pearls, moonstone or rock crystal must be worn on Monday, as this day of the week is the day of the moon. Tuesday is the day of Mars, and it is preferable to wear earrings with coral, jasper, amethyst on this day. Mercury is responsible for the environment and its stones - chrysolite and agate. On Thursday, wear earrings with lapis lazuli, turquoise or sapphire, as these stones are ruled by Jupiter. If on Friday, going on a date with your loved one, you put on earrings with emerald, beryl or jade, be sure that the meeting will be held at the highest level. After all, Friday is under the influence of the goddess of love Venus. The penultimate day of the week Saturday is the day of Saturn, which favors such stones as topaz, malachite, jasper. On Sunday, gold earrings with a brilliant diamond or bright ruby would be appropriate, because Sunday is the day of the Sun.

Gemstones and zodiac signs: which earrings to choose?

Since ancient times, astrologers believed that each zodiac constellation corresponds to a certain stone. And if you use this knowledge in everyday life, you can avoid many troubles or illnesses. Astrologers recommend sensitive Aries to wear earrings with rock crystal, rubies, diamonds; unpredictable Taurus - with topazes, sapphires, rubies; shy Gemini will suit earrings with emeralds and topaz, while impressionable Cancers will be ideally suited with ruby or pearl earrings. When choosing earrings for bright Lions, pay attention to jewelry with topazes and emeralds. For sentimental Virgins, sapphires, diamonds, garnets are ideal stones, while for mysterious Scorpions, topazes, garnets or rubies are suitable. Decisive Sagittarians will feel confident when they wear earrings with sapphires and emeralds in their ears. For Capricornsstrong in spirit, earrings with rubies and garnets are ideal, and sociable Aquarians will suit jewelry with sapphires, garnets, emeralds. Dreamy Pisces will be adorned with earrings with pearls, sapphires, emeralds.

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